Eclipse Ecosystem

A blog devoted to promoting the Eclipse ecosystem

Friday, July 28, 2006

Eclipse is FAA Certified?

A colleague of mine sent me a note of congratulations that Eclipse became "certified" by the FAA yesterday.

I think there was a misunderstanding :) (but congratuations to Eclipse Aviation on their milestone!)

We've thought about handing out Eclipse (the gum or mint) at events, we've already give away Eclipse (the bike) as a great bug hunt prize and we've even been offered to give away an Eclipse (the car) at a conference. Can a timeshare on an Eclipse flight be too far off in the distance?

- Don

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Early Bird Registration for Eclipse World Boston

Wow, what happened to July?

Eclipse World Boston is fast approaching, it's September 6-8 at the Hyatt in Cambridge (Boston area) MA. Great venue and there's a great track setup.

There's only a couple weeks left on the early bird pricing, check it out.

If you're looking for a fall venue to do some marketing, be sure to check out the exhibitor packages as well.

- Don

PS - We need to find a cooler picture of Mike to distribute for these events, the one on the landing page is somewhat geeky :)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

RSVP Today for Eclipse Members Meeting and Marketing Symposium

Please visit the URL above and register for the fall Members Meeting at the Omni Mandalay in Dallas (Irving) Texas on September 20, 21. Come for the new members introduction, marketing symposium, full day members meeting or any combination thereof! We'll be looking for you at the Members Meeting Reception on the evening of the 20th.
Don't delay your hotel booking, it must be reserved by Aug 28th (details available at regonline).
- Don

Don't download Eclipse...


Check out the Eclipse members download page instead! A number of members are hosting downloads of various Eclipse projects and bundles and providing some cool stuff.

BEA is hosting downloads of some pretty cool bundles, plus is providing bandwidth on Akamai.

IBM is hosting a couple of cool bundles with a Java EE and Modeling focus.

Innopract (Yoxos) is hosting an "On Demand" Eclipse builder where you can actually dynamically pick and choose which plugins you'd like put into your download bundle.

nexB has a number of cool bundles that focus on different tech roles like Mobile dev, PHP, Ruby, Python and lots more.

Weigle Wiliczek
(formerly iMedic) is hosting servers in Russia and Germany.

There is some really cool stuff there, check it out!

- Don