Eclipse Ecosystem

A blog devoted to promoting the Eclipse ecosystem

Monday, September 11, 2006

Eclipse Summit Europe - A distinctly Eclipse Event

Eclipse Summit Europe is a distinctly Eclipse event and a I'm looking foward to it. I say it's "distinctly Eclipse" for a number of reasons. First, take a look at the sponsors list - we initially hoped (and thought ambitious) to sign up 8 sponsors. We have 19 20. Second, is the implementation of the "Sponsors Network". Rather than have traditional commercial exhibitor hall, we are trying out (at the suggestion of the membership) a sponsors network. It is a bit of a risk and a bit of a novel idea, but I think the number of sponsors wanting to try it out speaks volumes. Basically the attendees will be interacting directly with the sponsors and working out time and space to meet and interact.

Then there are the Symposia. The symposia are all about collaboration and open discussion amongst all of the attendees. There will be a number of "Speaker - Audience" tracks, but the Symposia will be much more dynamic and interactive. The chairs of the Symposia are top-notch and we are actively looking for more participants. Details on how to join can be found here.

- Dn


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