There's a bit of a story to each of this years
EclipseCon Keynotes.
One of the goals of the EclipseCon program committee this year was to put together a program that had a stronger appeal to Eclipse
Users than past years. In other words - the millions application developers that use Eclipse based products every day.
The strength of the "
Making With Eclipse" sessions speaks to our success. But to really appeal to the enterprise application developer we needed a great keynote. A great keynote from a power user of Eclipse technologies. A blue chip brand. "Sharks with Laser Beams" kind of stuff. Robots. Space. We hit a grand slam when Dr. Jeff Norris, from the Planning Software Systems Group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory agreed to
demonstrate some of the latest systems that NASA has built on top of Eclipse and the technologies they are leveraging from the platform in he keynote "
Rocket Science and the Republic".
The second keynote represented an opportunity of great timing. Several people from the program committee had just seen Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin keynote at RailsConf 09, and suggested that "we need someone like him keynoting at EclipseCon". It was a fantastic keynote, and you can see
it from RailsConf online, You'll doubly like it if you have Smalltalk on your resume. He has broad appeal to both application developers and tools developers. We were thrilled when he agreed to keynote for us, and his proposal to speak on '
Software Professionalism, and the Art of Saying "No"' seems very appropriate for our group.
The final keynote this year represented a bit of luck in the business side.
EclipseCon happens to be a mere 55 days after the close of the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle. Oracle has been a great supporter of Eclipse for a number of years, and the
EclipseCon audience is ideally suited for a keynote on the
future of enterprise Java. The title of the keynote "
Community and Adaptation" is a great fit to our "
Making Community" sessions, and I'm confident we'll have a room packed with attendees keen to learn about the adaptation plans of the Java community.
It should be another year of fantastic
EclipseCon Keynotes, thanks to all our speakers.
- Don